
08.05.2024 | Trackday Pannonia Ring | 2 groups - AM 25 & PRO 25 - SOLD OUT!

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H-9512 Ostffyasszonyfa - Hungary

from 08:00Registration and race number distribution
08:45 - 09:00Driver briefing (obligatory!)
09:00 - 13:00Free driving in 2 groups á 30 minutes
13:00 - 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 - 18:00Free driving in 2 groups á 30 minutes
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08.05.2024 | Trackday Pannonia Ring | 2 groups - AM 25 & PRO 25 - SOLD OUT!

  • Early bird price
  • Normal price €520,00

Trackday for street-legal sports cars and race cars! Racing will take place alternately in two groups (in 30 min. change) based on lap time.

Limited number of tickets!

Group AM 25 for road cars and less powerful race cars (25 tickets)
Group PRO 25 for race cars and very powerful road cars (25 tickets)

MIRO tire service on this date! Please contact us if required!

BOXEN Klein at the PITLANE fully booked!

The event is BOOKED OUT - We will be happy to put you on the "last-minute waiting list"!

2. driver included

You don't have your own sports car?